Natural Herbs Info

Sage Herb

Commom names: Sage Herb, Spanish Sage, dalmation sage, red sageSalvia officinalis

Latin name: Salvia officinalis

Sage is most commonly known as a culinary herb, however its medicinal value is one that should not be ignored.

This natural herb comes from the Lamiaceae plant family (also known as the Mint family). The Lamiaceae family are frequently aromatic herbs, including rosemary, thyme, oregano, marjoram, basil, lavender, peppermint and spearmint.

Sage herbThe active part of the Sage herb are the leaves.

Salvia officinalis actions; Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Astringent, anti-inflammatory, Oestrogenic, General tonic, Reduces sweating, Carminative, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic

Sage is most widely used as an herb for things like mouth ulcers, inflammations of the throat and tonsils and when suffering from catarrh.

Due to its antimicrobial and anti-septic properties it makes a great mouth and throat gargle when suffering from illnesses such as laryngitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

Its carminative and anti-spasmodic actions can help relieve digestive problems and will help in dyspepsia.

It will prove beneficial to include in herbal remedies for menopause. The oestrogenic properties will help for the typical menopause symptoms like headaches, hot flushes and night sweats.

Sage is said to help not just for menopausal night sweats but possibly for any cases of excessive sweating.

It is a very popular herb to use in tea infusions using the dried leaves.

Cautions: Due to its high thujone content negative side effects can occur when you take more than 15g sage leaf/dose or when you use this herb long-term. An overdose can cause the following symptoms; dizziness, convulsions, tachycardia and hot flushes. If you are not sure whether you are taking the right amount always contact a qualified herbal practitioner.

Sage is one which should NOT be used during pregnancy and breast feeding. It is a uterine stimulant and can be extremely dangerous to use during pregnancy!

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